RLDG: Robotic Generalist Policy Distillation via Reinforcement Learning

This file contains the instructions for reproducing RLDG as presented in the paper.

1. Task setup

We focus this guide on reproducing the Connector Insertion experiment with a Franka arm.

  1. Download and 3D print the wrist camera mount and the D-type connector housing.
  2. We provide the purchase links to the connectors we used in our experiment. You may choose to purchase what you need.
  3. We used the robot controller and infra from the HIL-SERL project. Please refer to the HIL-SERL GitHub for more details.

For instructions setting up the FMB Insertion and FMB Assembly tasks, please refer to the FMB project page.

2. Train RL Policy using HIL-SERL

To train the RL policies, we used the standard HIL-SERL recipe. We include the experiment specific configuration files at rldg/hil-serl/connector_insert/. To use this:

  1. Install the HIL-SERL repo according to the instructions in the repo.
  2. Copy the rldg/hil-serl/connector_insert/ directory to the hil-serl/examples/experiments/ directory in your HIL-SERL installation. Also add this experiment config to the hil-serl/examples/experiments/mappings.py file.
  3. Follow the HIL-SERL RAM Insertion instructions to record 20 demos and train a HIL-SERL policy on connector insertion.
  4. Once the policy is trained, we can roll out the policy to collect demonstrations. We provide the scripts to roll out the policy at rldg/hil-serl/rollout_rl.py. To run this, copy the file into hil-serl/examples/ and run the ./rollout.sh script inside the connector_insert directory.

For our experiment, we trained 3 separate policies with USB A, VGA, and Ethernet connectors.

3. Collecting Data

Coming soon

3. Fine-tuning OpenVLA and Octo

Coming soon